Basildon New Town


A Memoir 1952 – 1969

Basildon today is unrecognisable from when the author arrived in 1952.  In the book Mervyn takes us on a nostalgic journey to see how much has changed in the last half century.
With over 90 period black and white illustrations

ISBN 9781912412044 Paperback £12.99
172 pages 233mm X 155mm paperback 2018 edition
Published by the Littoral Press

Price includes delivery to any UK address

* Please note all purchases are made through
Andrew Summers
trading as Essex Hundred Publications

Price includes delivery to any UK address

Please note all purchases are made through Andrew Summers trading as Essex Hundred Publications

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A Memoir 1952 – 1969 By Mervyn Linford

       The author moved to Pitsea from the East End of London in 1952. The East End packed with housing and industry was painfully recovering from the ravages of the blitz and still littered with bomb sites. 1950s Basildon New Town then, was a complete contrast, a generally rural environment of farms, marshes and the curious plotlands.
Basildon today is unrecognisable from when Mervyn arrived.  In the book Mervyn takes us on a nostalgic journey to see how much has changed in the last half century. Basildon New Town is a fascinating read with over 90 period black and white illustrations many kindly supplied the Basildon Borough Heritage Society.

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